Open Defense

Open Defense

  • Ph.D Open defense of Mr. Mudassir Azhar(FRM-2016-50-01) on 23-Jul-2020 under the chairmanship of Dr. Manoj Kumar B., Associate Professor, Dept. of Fish Engineering, Faculty of Fisheries.
Closed Viva from 10.30 to 11.00 and Open Defense starts at 11.00.
To participate in the open defense click       
Open defense is hosted in Microsoft Teams platform . The participants has to use Internet Explorer or Edge browser from computer and has to use Microsoft Teams application in Mobile  

  • Ph.D Open defense of Ms. Hafsa Maqbool (AFP-2016-50-01) on 03-Jul-2020 under the chairmanship of Dr. Safeena M.P., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fisheries.